AutoReturn is now
Over the coming weeks, you'll see our brand start to transition, but rest assured, we're still the same company that helps communities run smoothly by connecting law enforcement, towers and vehicle owners to keep roadways clear and traffic moving.
For law enforcement
Protect lives by clearing roadways more quickly and preventing secondary crashes—all while saving officers’ and dispatchers’ time.
For government
Join other smart cities, counties and states to deliver improved towing services for citizens—plus the safety and economic benefits of clear streets.
For towers
Optimize your law enforcement towing business and save your team’s time without spending a dime.
Was your vehicle towed?
If your local community partners with AutoReturn, we can help you find
your car and get back on the road more quickly.
your car and get back on the road more quickly.
Have more questions?
Visit our help center
AutoReturn makes the difference
Our end-to-end solution makes everyday operations better for everyone: law enforcement, government agencies, towers, and vehicle owners, too.
Safer communities
AutoReturn clears crash scenes faster, reducing secondary accidents by 30%, saving officers’ lives and keeping citizens safe.
Clearer roads
Our GPS-enhanced dispatching gets towers there sooner, meaning faster clearance and fewer traffic jams for everybody.
Better business
Smoother processes mean fair, efficient tow dispatching, more higher-priority policing and faster crash scene clearance.
Lower costs
Our pass-through pricing model gives agency clients and towing partners our technology as a revenue-neutral solution.
Less waiting
Everyone—drivers, police, tow operators—get going faster with AutoReturn’s automated, intelligent process.
Fewer calls
AutoReturn’s intelligent dispatch ends the frustrating game of telephone that law enforcement and towers get stuck in.
We have experienced a transformation in San Francisco that has fundamentally changed the way we think about towing.
Willie Brown
Former Mayor of San Francisco
Thank you
Thank you to our thousands of law enforcement, government partners and towers for your ongoing trust and commitment. Our communities run more smoothly thanks to every one of you.
Where we operate today

General questions
What is AutoReturn?
AutoReturn is the nation’s leading towing management systems provider. We’re contracted by cities, counties and states nationwide to manage transportation, storage and return of a vehicle after local law enforcement orders a tow. Our technical solution automates communications among law enforcement, towers and vehicle owners, for faster, safer vehicle removal from unauthorized parking areas and crash scenes. We do not issue tickets or order tows. -
Is AutoReturn a towing company?
No, AutoReturn does not own tow trucks or tow vehicles. Rather, we develop and implement technological solutions to help towing companies and law enforcement communicate with each other more easily and efficiently, so the entire process works more smoothly for everyone involved. In short, we help you find and get your vehicle back more quickly. -
Who authorizes vehicle tows?
Local law enforcement is generally responsible for ordering the removal and transportation to an authorized impound lot of illegally parked or abandoned vehicles. Tows are usually authorized for accidents, arrests, recovered stolen vehicles, unlicensed drivers, unlicensed vehicles, and special events. Towing of vehicles from private property (e.g. private parking lots) is generally authorized by the property owner and carried out according to local laws. -
How do I find a towed vehicle?
Visit our find vehicle page. -
Does AutoReturn sell towed cars?
Yes, in some regions. Visit our vehicle auctions page to see if we operate auctions in your area.